Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays!

So in that this may be my final blog before the New Year, it may be long. I have this on-going list of things to blog about on my desktop.

But 2009 has honestly been one of the best years of my life.

MmmmHmmmm... Nostalgia.

Anyways, I will try and log on and post my resolutions, as soon as I write them up on Friday. But I'll be in Istanbul from Wednesday-Friday morning.

So in other news:


I finally downloaded Skype. Did you know you can get it on the IPhone? Had I known, I'd have had it for a long time! That's pretty cool! So now I can call people on Skype from Turkey for free anytime I have WiFi.


Christmas in Athens, Greece. It was super awesome.


I finally have YOUTUBE! Thanks to MIT-VPN. So now I have a few things to share with you:

Lastly, the Ke$ha album leaked. It's actually pretty good:

...and finally, Meep?


Over break I have been able to catch up on my daily reading.... of Wikipedia... as well as a few movies :)

Did you know:

-Tazmanian Devils have been placed on the Endangered Species list thanks to a infectious facial cancer? ... INFECTIOUS CANCER.... scary.

-Paranormal Activity. If you haven't seen the movie, watch it. However, what's interesting is the history behind it, and how it became one of the most profitable movies ever.

-My Sister's Keeper. ----> AWESOME MOVIE.


I'm really REALLY looking forward to 2010! I'm hoping it is even better than 2009... but it has a lot to live up to.

Anyways, that's all for now...

I should probably head to bed, instead of watching Naruto on Hulu lol. (Thanks again VPN!) But I just woke up from a long nap. Long story short, I got sick today.. from like bad food from McDonald's and no sleep I believe. To make it worse, we went to the General's house for dinner, where I tried my best not to embarrass my mom by puking all over. Lol. But, I came back and slept til like an hour ago, and feel better.

Anyway, much love and happy holidays!



Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mother.

*It's December 21st, and it's my mom's birthday! This is her shoutout!*

1. So we had a crazy thunderstorm last night that knocked out the power for like 12+ hours. And of course, being super jetlagged, I couldn't fall asleep. However, I always find situations like that good for introspection. I spent a lot of the night evaluating my life, future, friendships,.... dance hahaha... Long story short, I like where my life is right now. I honestly wouldn't change a thing. :)

2. Speaking of happiness - - Ironically, the last 3 states I've lived in, are ALL in the top 10 :). And I've lived in 3 out of the top 5.

3. I wanna see Avatar. bah.

4. I started looking at apartments for next year! Kinda complicated though, because I may be in Japan for the Summer 2010. (But I'll figure it out.) Bah, if only Boston were a little warmer.

5. I'm dying to be able to post Youtube vids on here again. I feel like my blog is boring with them. :(

Anyways, I'm officially planning Turkey trip for next year. If you wanna come - let me know!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Home, Sweet Home. :)

So I'm done with my 2nd to last semester, sitting in my newest 'home' in Turkey.

Top 5 things on my mind:

1. I <3 my house. I can post pics later on.. (I no longer own a camera.) But it's a narrow 4-story with a pool, in a newly-renovated neighborhood right on the water. Lol, I'm still getting used to the shower/toilet... lol.. and the washing machines in Turkey are in the bathrooms... odd. But I love it.

2. I think I will be working for Arthur D. Little - Boston Office next year. It was my second choice, and I definitely love everyone there. They are a fun office. Time to figure out cheap living arrangements... with parking.

3. I still need to go Christmas shopping. (We are going to be in Greece from the 22nd to the 25th, and the 21st is my mom's bday, so bah....)

4. I will really miss some people next year. Sigh. Especially in that I continue to make new friendships every semester it seems. I hope I don't lose touch with everyone like I have with most of my High School amigos.

5. I got the new Nano for my flight. It's cool, tiny though. I'm not good with tiny electronics.


6. Dance, dance, dance, dance.... so much to choreograph... so little time.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Something Borrowed.

I borrowed the article below, from where I don't remember.


Why I Dance

I am endlessly fascinated by the body in motion.

Living in New York, I am constantly surrounded by a frenzy of physical activity, hundreds of people engaged in the movements of day-to-day life. These simple movements are a kind of common denominator between us as humans, something we share at a very basic level.

But the body is also an extraordinary vessel, capable of extraordinary things. I spend my work day in the studio challenging my body to extend outside of itself, to play, uninhibited, beyond what is comfortable, what is common. For me, part of the adventure is that search for a new physical language. When I am dancng, I can feel the subtle and constant communication running between my head, heart, muscles, nerves, and gravity. The moments in the studio or onstage when I can feel those lines of communication humming at their highest resonance are the moments that fill me the most.

I am also intrigued by the kind of physical intelligence we develop as dancers. I really enjoy the process of learning new material or being given a motivation for creating movement, and then digesting that information and seeing how it translates into my own physicality. I love watching my body problem-solve. In the company, Shen Wei gives us a lot of opportunity to develop our own movement within a certain physical quality or sensibility. Making movement in that way feels to me like encountering a sort of physical puzzle, and the task is then to discover the way my body wants to go about solving it. I like to think of dance as a physical science, or a scientific art, or an artful physics. It is the interplay between those worlds that makes dance so powerful, so captivating.

On a good day, I feel totally physically satiated when I’m dancing, and I’ve grown to crave that sensation of fullness. But it is much more than a physical fulfillment that motivates me as a dancer. Because it isn’t only a physical sensation to feel the heat and breath and noise of an audience filling a theater. It isn’t only a physical sensation to dance in unison with a group of people whose energy collectively interweaves and swells and gives birth to a universe unto itself. The sensations of that universe, the electricity of the energy created by a body or a group of bodies moving in space together, these elements transcend the realm of physical activity and move dance into an experience where I feel mystery, magic, and captivation.

My body is the form that makes me human in the most honest and basic sense. It is the structure at the root of my humanity, a root shared by every human being on earth. To feel the commonality of that root when I dance, and at the same time to feel that transcendence, that magic, that mystery of my body as a vessel to extraordinary and otherworldly sensations—that is why I dance. That is what I search for in movement, and why I am forever enthralled by the sensation of a body moving in space.


Anyways, I'll be leaving for Turkey in a week. Crazy.

Also, I read this today, and it still blows my mind.

Good luck wrapping up the year to everyone who might be reading this. :)


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Owl City

"I'd like to make myself believe.... that Planet Earth turns... slowly."

So. It's been a while, but I'm gonna give this blog things another shot. I've decided to do it in the form of a top 5 list from now on.

As of December 5, 2009... the Top 5 things on my mind are:


2. I'm a very different person than I used to be. I'm not sure if it's good, or bad. But it's definitely apparent to me, and everyone else who's known me for the past four years.

3. I may be in Boston next year. Sigh. 0_o.

4. I will miss my youth. I keep feeling as though it's almost over.... and it's saddening.

5. Life keeps getting more and more interesting, yet still extremely complicated.

Anyways, I'm going to Turkey for Christmas. Still weird to call 'home', but I'm super excited.


Friday, February 6, 2009


I'm sleepy, thus I decided to make a short update this time:

1. I got an interview with BCG... and I'm terrified.

2. A happier note, I finished up IAP with 27 units of A, and it went well overall.

3. I'm still stressing over dance, but I have decided I'm taking a break after the end of February, beginning of March.

4. I still dunno where to go for Spring Break. But I definitely want to either go out of the country, or to visit the friends.

5. My mom is moving to Turkey this summer. (Random right?) That should be cool.

6. Life is different this semester... I feel it.

**I promise a better post next time.**

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Taste of Ink.

So I always have those moments when I realize how much I miss Arizona.

My friends tell me I cling too much to feelings of nostalgia... but I can't help it.

So I find myself browsing YouTube and ITunes for songs/vids that remind me of high school.

Taking Back Sunday. Dashboard Confessional. The Used. Panic! @ the Disco. Halifax. Anberlin. Creed. Trina. Lil Wayne. Pitbull. (And countless others.)

Taco Bell. Dairy Queen. Authentic Mexican Restaurants.

Basketball. Student Council. Musicals. Laying Out at the Pool.

Homecomings. Proms. Assemblies.

Coconut Rum and Sprite. In-School Suspension (o_O).

MySpace. LiveJournal. Photobucket.

Dr. Pepper.... O, how I miss thee.

Sigh, high school was the ish. I can't wait to go back and visit this summer. It's been far too long.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Je m'appelle....

Damn. So it's been a bit.

Here's a quick update:

1. Classes are blah.
2. Boston is F-ing COLD
3. Since my last blog, I'm already halfway done with French 1!
4. I dunno what I'm doing with my post-college life, but I'm excited to start it.
5. I'm soooooooo sooooooo sooooooo broke.

But yeh, that's pretty much the rundown. Life is pretty crazy right now: French and Dance are killing me. In the month of January, on top of surviving the normal stressed of life, I have to both learn an entire course worth of French, and organize a full on dance production with acts, hosts, special guests, etc.

Thus that's why I've been a slow blogger lately. But I'm determined not to quit.

I've decided living in NYC after college wouldn't be too bad. After a weekend with the two bestbuds in Manhattan, and from previous experiences visiting there, I have to say I like the vibe of NYC. Plus, all the things I love to do... dance, go out, live beyond my financial means, etc... would be right at my fingertips. I bought the sweater. Haha. I had to, even though I couldn't afford it.

Anyway. I've decided I must make some sacrifices next semester, to dig myself out this financial hole.

I hate sacrifices.
I hate filing taxes.
I love tax returns. :)

(Why don't they teach you how to do this in school?)

Why is everything about money?

Though, I guess... I can't imagine it any other way. I def don't want to go back to pre-historic days....

Unless it's like the Flintstones. :)

Haha. PS. If you haven't seen the movie Juno... do so now.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

'Cus I was Romeo.... you were the Scarlet Letter..."

So... I'm obsessed with this song.... (but I hate the video...)

I also don't really like her too much... I feel like she's way to cookie cutter... 'give a pretty girl a guitar, and make her famous'.... though whatever... I guess I'm jealous of people without amazing voices getting to live the dream: Rihanna, Chris Brown, Britney.... Though it's ironic, cus I like overplay all of their songs....

Anyway... I'm back in Boston... blah... it's COLD.

...someone should buy me this to stay warm:

It's $139... which is overpriced... but it used to be $350 before it went on Clearance... sigh... I tried it on.. and fell in love.

I think I have to get it. o_0

On a lighter note, I start taking French tomorrow. I'm somewhat nervous. I was the same way when I first started Japanese.

For those who don't know: If I accomplish nothing else in life, I plan to be quadrilingual one day. English, Spanish, Japanese, and French. :)

Jason Scott.... A sick, quadrilingual dancer..... would be amazing.

So people have been asking me about this whole 'blogging' thing... and why bother doing it. And I dunno... I guess my response would be... "Why not?".... I want to remember my life. Blogging is like my own personal memoir, left behind for the world to understand who, what, where, and why I am... well... me?

So that's why I do it. That's the entire motivation behind blogging. That.. and to help me write my book one day... on life. lol.

"Marry me juliet, you'll never have to be alone... I love you and that's all I really know..."


Music is amazing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

[A New Year]... and a fresh start...

So it's the year two thousand nine..... and i decided to return to blogging. 0_0

I don't know really where this will end up... or who will read it... or even how long it'll last. (Given that I'm probably way to busy for one of these.) But here goes nothing.



Haha.. like the emo pic?.. me too.

So yeh... it's New Year's Day... already. 2008 flew by. I definitely didn't have an eventful New Year this year. I wasn't in the mood. I did talk to a couple of potential love interests: one was someone I had a crush on in high school. It's funny how the tides have turned. The other someone I met online. haha... I'm a loser. I know.

In either case... distance is the greatest issue. Thus, I don't foresee anything happening.

In other news, I go back up to Boston tomorrow morning. Home was nice, but I've realized how independent I've become:

1. In the past 4 months, I took over paying for everything: school, my car, food, everything.
2. I NEVER ask for money. I guess I never really did. But now, it's not offered to me either.
3. I spent more on my mom for Christmas, than she did on me.... which was weird.

I've also decided, I'm a work-a-holic:

I've spent most of break working at Abercrombie.... I think I'm going to quit.

My goal is to take the three jobs down to one next semester. So school won't dominate me.

Anyway... so I guess the entire point of this blog entry was to maintain progress on my New Year's Resolutions:

1. to get in shape.
2. to go on a date.
3. to go to church.

.....though... if you know anything about me.. and my lack of freetime... all of these seem like a lost cause. but it's worth a try.


happy new year!
check back again later.