Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mother.

*It's December 21st, and it's my mom's birthday! This is her shoutout!*

1. So we had a crazy thunderstorm last night that knocked out the power for like 12+ hours. And of course, being super jetlagged, I couldn't fall asleep. However, I always find situations like that good for introspection. I spent a lot of the night evaluating my life, future, friendships,.... dance hahaha... Long story short, I like where my life is right now. I honestly wouldn't change a thing. :)

2. Speaking of happiness - - Ironically, the last 3 states I've lived in, are ALL in the top 10 :). And I've lived in 3 out of the top 5.

3. I wanna see Avatar. bah.

4. I started looking at apartments for next year! Kinda complicated though, because I may be in Japan for the Summer 2010. (But I'll figure it out.) Bah, if only Boston were a little warmer.

5. I'm dying to be able to post Youtube vids on here again. I feel like my blog is boring with them. :(

Anyways, I'm officially planning Turkey trip for next year. If you wanna come - let me know!